Yazılım Heyeti Ziyareti –Cloudzone 2012 Fuarı, Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı

Serhat Aksen 10.05.2012

It is indeed a pleasure for me to sincerely greet you all on the occasion of the CLOUDZONE 2012 held in Messe Karlsruhe.

Karlsruhe is a city of different features. For many years, it has been known as the Internet Capital of Germany. It hosts major internet service providers of Germany. But above all, it is the home of KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, where many genious people keep innovating new technologies.

The Technologieregion Karlsruhe promotes high tech industries; today, about 20% of the region's employment is in Research and Development which gives a good basis for high tech. Thus I cannot think of a better place than Karlsruhe to organize this event and a better venue than KMK (Karlsruhe Messe und Kongresse) known for reflecting innovative concepts, dynamic discussions and inspiring encounters.

Turkey has one of the most dynamic economies in the world. It is the 16th largest economy in the world and the 6th largest economy in Europe. Last year (2011) Turkish economy expanded by % 8.5 . The economic growth in 2010 was % 9.
The GDP per capita has tripled in the last ten years. Turkey has the fifth largest labor force among the European countries. It has a very dynamic young population.

Throughout the years Turkish economy went through a big transformation from being an agricultural economy to being an industrial economy. The new tranformation in Turkish economy is towards high technology. Turkey is ready to be a technologic partner and we believe that one can catch the future with Turkey.

We have set up a new, ambitious goal for ourselves: To be the 10th largest economy in the world by the year 2010, which reflects the centennial of the proclamation of the Turkish Republic.

Germany is currently the biggest trade partner of our country. Germany was Turkey’s largest goods export market in 2011 and second largest supplier of goods in the same year. We are willing to further strengthen our economic ties with Germany, and we believe that Turkey with its strong economy and with its multifaceted, multidimensonal, constructive foreign policy, with its ability to reach out different regions and countries, is a very attractive economic partner to work with.

I hope that this organization and particularly the German-Turkish Round Table will yield to new patrnerships in the field of high technology.

It is with these thoughts and hopes that I extend my thanks and congratulations to everyone who contributed to the relization of this event.

Thank you.


Mahmut Niyazi Sezgin Başkonsolos
Pazartesi - Cuma

8.30 - 16.30

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